Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

Portuguese Minister of the Environment presents at the University of Aveiro the national Plan of Action for the Circular Economy

The Portuguese Minister of the Environment, João Pedro Matos Fernandes, came to the University of Aveiro (UA) on September 8th to participate in a session to present the national Plan of Action for the Circular Economy.

The session opened with the Rector of the UA, Manuel António Assunção, and involved teachers and researchers of the UA, responsible experts from the Ministry of Environment and the President of the Portuguese Association of Ceramic Industry (APICER).
The panel discussion was attended by two members of the UA team of the KATCH_e project: Teresa Franqueira, professor in the Department of Communication and Art and coordinator of the UA team in project KATCH_e, and Vítor Ferreira, professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and president of the Cluster Habitat.

This event was organized in the University of Aveiro in articulation with Prof. Teresa Franqueira and Prof. Vítor Ferreira, specially for the research on the subject of Circular Economy within the institution, not only in the framework of the KATCH_e project and Cluster Habitat, but also in other scientific and technological projects dedicated to the reuse of waste materials and by-products.

The Portuguese Plan of Action for the Circular Economy is available for public consultation until the end of September 2017 at the addresses: and . The plan of action presents three levels of actions to be introduced and worked over the next three years: national, cross-cutting actions that consolidate some of the actions of various Ministries for this transition, sector agendas – especially for sectors that are more resources and export-oriented, and local agendas, which should be adapted to the socio-economic characteristics of the region.