Formação em economia circular nos setores da construção e do mobiliário

Second KATCH_e National Workshop in Portugal

The second workshop with Portuguese KATCH_e Stakeholders took place on the afternoon of the 7th February 2019 at LNEG, organized with the collaboration of University of Aveiro.

The main objective was to bring together companies, professors and students from different scientific fields to work on circular economy (CE) strategies and tools developed within the project.

After some words of welcome by the Director of the Energy Laboratory of LNEG and a brief introduction to the topic of CE and the KATCH_e project, four of its tools were presented to the group: CE Journey, KATCH_UP Game, CE Strategist and CE Designer. Then, three challenges, brought by two participating companies and one NGO, were the basis for the 40 participants to actively explore the tools. They were organized in eight groups that were able to address their challenge and come up with ideas for new, more circular products, services and business models. At the end of the workshop, they presented and discussed the results. Immediate reactions and suggestions to improve the tools showed the engagement and positive evaluation by the participants.

After the workshop, participants were invited to fill in an evaluation questionnaire that hopefully will bring more insights to further develop and improve this project, towards a truly valuable resource to support learning and practical implementation for the transition to a circular economy. A new stakeholder has meanwhile officially integrated the Portuguese network and meetings will be held with one design school and one company, as a follow-up of the workshop.